2015年5月,张珽研究员参加了"Elsevier’s 4th International Conference on Bio-sensing Technology"会议,与会时展示了一种新型电子皮肤,可被用来检测血压、心率、脉搏等不同生理信号,得到了国际同行的高度评价。ELSEVIER等以“电子皮肤和卡片诊断仪为病人排忧解难”为题亮点报道。
Professor Ting Zhang, from Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, is presenting a new kind of e-skin at the Conference. E-skin is developed based on flexible electronic technology and nanotechnology; because of its unique ability to detect tiny changes in pressure, e-skin can be used to monitor blood pressure, heart rate and wrist pulse.
Professor Zhang and his team have developed two key aspects of the technology - making the sensor element more sensitive and making the material more flexible - bringing wearable diagnostic systems a step closer. They have used carbon nanotubes and sheets of graphene only a few atoms thick to construct ultra-sensitive, transparent and flexible e-skin.
"We're very excited to present our new technology," said Professor Zhang. "We've shown that the e-skin can be used to monitor many different human physiological signals. We believe our new material can give real-time diagnosis of diseases and provide an instant health assessment while a patient is wearing it."